But first, let me back up to Thanksgiving day. Wonderful time at my daughter's condo, with Neil, all three children, their significant others, and two grandkids. Also, I have a new camera. Here's a photo of my lovely granddaughter, sitting on her uncle Christopher's lap:
Don't know if it's apparent, but I think the photo quality is much better than with my old camera.
Son Chris and his lovely Bulgarian girlfriend, Rosa, came back to our house for the night. Rosa just earned her doctorate in Nutrition at Cornell University, is doing a postdoc at Cornell, and is also a certified yoga instructor. Yikes!
On Friday, we had a great time with Chris and Rosa, just hanging out, shopping at Whole Foods, and visiting. This kind of thing is the best part of holidays. Chris and Rosa then drove into Philadelphia to stay with Steve and Alison. Steve is one of Chris' oldest friends -- they have been friends since high school.
Today, I took the train into Philadelphia and met up with Chris, Rosa, Steve, and his wife Alison - whom I had never before met, but loved instantly. (If you met her, you would know why. What a charming young woman!)
We walked around Reading Terminal Market, decided that it was too crowded to eat there, and opted instead for lunch at Vietnam, in nearby Chinatown. What a fabulous, beautiful place, with wonderful, beautifully presented food! I took several great photos. After that we walked over to the La Colombe coffeeehouse in Dilworth Plaza. A great, great latte - very photogenic, and in a lovely setting - I took some very nice photos!
So it's been a great holiday - I didn't even mention that my other son, Tim, bought a game, Blokus, and we have been playing steadily for the last two days, and having lots of fun with it.
The photos from the day in Philadelphia? Oh yeah - well, I must have done something wrong with the camera. I had nothing when I got home. But it was all great, and those pics would have been very, very nice if they had been taken correctly. I'll get the hang of it pretty soon.
In the meantime, what a great holiday this has been - and it's not even over! This is only Saturday!