Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday walk around the neighborhood

Beautiful spring day, time for walking!

So different from just a few weeks ago:

Phillies fans are showing their colors.

Some of the trees look quite muscular.

And there is the occasional Easter egg tree.

Some trees are difficult to comprehend. Who trained this tree to look like this? And why?

A peculiarly pruned bit of shrubbery has always given me pause. What effect do you suppose the owners are going for?

Did they attempt some sort of topiary sea monster?

There is a very hilly section that features modern homes high up above boulders.
These houses look very cool.

One house features a very ambitious greenhouse or sunroom or conservatory or something like that.

A girl in the neighborhood seems to be feeling quite positive: "Madelyn. I am pretty."

There is a stream in the neighborhood, and some houses have bridges in their yards, which impresses me. We have a hard enough time maintaining a regular old house, let alone keeping up with structures like this.

For example, below is my nemesis. This enormous tree on our property needs to be removed. The last time we got an estimate, removal would cost $8,000. That's a lot of money to pay for a stump. We have spent several hundred dollars just to have it trimmed. (Our neighbors would like to see it removed, too. It's a big mess every fall.)

Grrr. Someday we will take care of you, giant tree. Some day.
Oh, well. Not to end on a sour note - later today we visited a used book store where an extremely friendly old dog greets all the customers. Technically, not a part of my walk around the neighborhood, but still in the neighborhood, if you interpret the term broadly.

It was a good day.

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