Monday, May 23, 2011

Dysfunctional, dystopian, disturbing families

Watched three movies last weekend: Black Swan, The Fighter, and Winter's Bone. What a trio. A marathon of ugly, sad, dysfunctional families.

Thinking about them, I realized that I enjoyed Winter's Bone the most, but that the people in that film would be my very LAST choice if I had to actually live among any of these fictional (or semi-fictional) families.

The Fighter was also good, but yikes - what a miserable bunch of people! Fun to watch, but not if it were real life. Still, better than living in the Ozarks of Winter's Bone, if only because it seemed like there might be a chance to escape.

Did not like Black Swan, which I found pretentious and artsy and over-hyped. Again, a group of really terrible people - and yet if I had to choose one group among which to live, it would be these ridiculous artistes. Mainly because at least I would be in New York City, and anything is possible there.

And therefore it might be possible to leave those folks far, far behind.

I should try to think of three films with fictional families that I would like to be part of - almost any three films at random would yield better options. Maybe. You know, we must really like movies about miserable, unhappy people. There are so many of them.

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