Sunday, October 30, 2011

A good day for soup

Yesterday was the bizarrely early snowstorm on the east coast.

I stayed in and made soup - asparagus zucchini.

The parsley garnish looks nice, but it was a bad idea - after one taste, I picked it all out. I know that it's hard to make green soup look good in a photo, so you'll have to take my word for it that this stuff was delicious.

Because the trees still have most of their leaves, the ice that formed on the branches was especially heavy, and lots of big branches (and sometimes entire trees) came down. We were fairly lucky - just a few big branches, and they didn't harm anything in their fall.

It was also a good weekend to scan a few old photos. Here is my son, Chris, on a more temperate fall day in southern Illinois, thirty-some years ago.

And all three kids with a pumpkin:

(Erin represented mainly by her red tights.)

Those were the days.

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