Sunday, February 19, 2012

If I only had a brain

Today was a two-movie day. We have suddenly turned into people who go to the movies, after a long time away from them. I'm not sure why this is, but it is so.

But first - we have crocuses blooming in the back yard, and tulips coming up in the front! In February!

First movie - The Artist. At a local art movie theater in Jenkintown. The kind of theater where you can become a member and volunteer to take tickets and do fundraising.

They have a nice little display of old ticket stubs from the mid-twenties that were discovered when a wall was taken down during some remodeling.

I liked The Artist a lot.  I didn't love it as much as James Lileks loved it. Here's a bit from his review:

In this film, both actors connect with the viewers in every scene on a visceral level from the moment we meet them: snap crackle shazam. The movie loves them: this is obvious from the start. The movie we are watching loves these people. It just glows out of every frame, and you can’t help agree.

That’s the genius; that’s the trick. Folks, I watch a lot of movies. It’s been years since I watched one I wanted to stop, rewind, and watch all over again.

Bonus: best supporinting actor isn't James Cromwell or John Goodman or Malcolm McDowell, but a dog.

Coming out of the movie, we noticed signs for a special showing later in the day of The Wizard of Oz. I had never seen it in a theater, and we decided to come back later - the movie would be shown in 35mm, and there would prizes for anyone who came in costume, and the audience was encouraged to sing along.

It was very nice to see Wizard in a theater. The costumed kids were cute.

And the young man dressed as The Scarecrow who emceed the costume contest and trivia contest did a nice job.

The theater showed a Tom and Jerry cartoon before the movie, which was a big hit with the audience.

I tried to take a few shots of the movie screen, but not very successfully.

A good time was had by all.

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