Friday, January 20, 2012

Calculate your risk

If you are female, you can calculate your risk of breast cancer here.

Mine is extremely low. I hope this thing is right.

In other health-related news, I have now spent five days indoors, wearing a fuzzy blue slipper on one foot and a sock and orthopedic shoe on the other. I am so ready to go somewhere - anywhere! Big plans for an excursion on the weekend.


  1. 13.3% lifetime risk for me. Is that a lot? Did having my first period in fifth grade work for or against me? And while I don't have any "first level" relatives with breast cancer I DO have aunts and cousins who did/do. And wasn't breastfeeding my chidren supposed to factor in there someplace?

  2. 5-year risk for me is 1.3%, lifetime is 6.6%. I have no idea what constitutes "a lot." It seems like a pretty blunt tool. And yes, I thought that breastfeeding was supposed to be protective, but that question was not asked.
