Monday, January 9, 2012

Slime Dunk

These are the things of great import that I think about.

People in my office bring in food - lots of food - to share with others. Usually it's very good and very tempting.

Today was an exception. Someone seemed to have found a big bag of old candy, perhaps left over from last Halloween, and he or she decided to leave it in the kitchen area for all to sample. Rock hard old pieces of candy. There was laughter and speculation about just how old this candy was.

I took something, just because I had never seen this type of candy before, and it exemplifies that urge that children have to eat candy that looks disgusting. They all think this is hilarious.

And you know what? In spite of the fact that we all made fun of the bad candy, by the end of the day most of it was gone, exemplifying another fact of human nature - we all love free food.


  1. And gross is good. Gummy worms? And what were those horrible deformed child candies? Garbage Dump Kids? Yikes!

  2. My granddaughter loves a toy called Dr. Dreadful, a kind of kit for making all kinds of horrible-looking concoctions. Cupcakes that look like brains spilling out of a skull, etc.
