Monday, July 18, 2011

The hills are alive with the sound of music

So what have I been doing in Vermont? In the mornings, work - but very pleasant work, I must say.

In the afternoon, I visited a store that sells rugs, among other things.

I learned a little bit about how people operate hot air balloons.

It involves several people holding the open part while hot air blows into the balloon from a fan. It seems surprisingly simple. I ate delicious pizza baked in a wood-fired oven.

I saw the von Trapp family lodge.

 And saw a green-edged petunia at the von Trapp restaurant.

Walked along a stream.

And had a Tequila Sunrise (my first) before dinner. Allowed someone to persuade me to get on the dance floor for the Electric Slide. (I was very bad at this, but it didn't matter.)

Nice work if you can get it.

1 comment:

  1. See? Like I said (as I said?) You have the best life! The pizza and tapestry rugs took my breath.
