Sunday, July 31, 2011

Clearing debris, emotional and otherwise

I mentioned in a previous post that the big tree at the front of our lawn is my nemesis. During a brief but violent storm Friday night, the tree lost several large limbs, which blocked the road. We were able to clear the road, and Tim and I spent a couple of hours today cutting and bagging the debris. It looks rather tame and harmless, neatly bagged and ready for pickup. I've seen houses with a dozen or more of these bags by the roadside; this is not a particularly large amount.

Nevertheless, a couple hours in the 90+ degree heat, stooping and picking up tree debris, is a good summer workout - I got a double workout today, since I did an hour of laps in the pool this morning.

And now I'm thinking - good grief, am I actually grumbling about having a home and a lawn and a tree and a gym membership and good health for swimming and yardwork? And a helpful son to shoulder the biggest part of the job?

OK, attitude readjustment accomplished. Thank you, tree.

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